In my previous post you see why I use DotNetNuke for some projects. One thing I came across was the poor support with respect to multilanguage websites. So I started creating some modules to improve this. The first thing I created was a HTML Text Module that shows another text depending on the language that is selected. I used the default HTML Text Module as a reference and moved on from there to make it support multiple languages. The principle is easy, put the module on a page and then you can easily edit the text in different languages by selecting the desired language in a dropdownlist. The available languages depend on the installed cultures. You can find the bits here

I have no install package yet so it is source only: put the files in the corresponding folder in the DotNetNuke project and create the table with the script in the 03.01.00.SqlDataProvider file. Configure the module in DotNetNuke and off you go. Currently the module only supports english and dutch (my core language skills are programming languages sorry). But if you send me the adjusted resource in your language I will add it in the package.